The Flat Earth MUD Driver project SourceForge Logo

                         Welcome to: The Flat Earth
                               A demonic MUD

             [ ]             [ ]         [ ]
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            -[ ] Druids      [ ]         [ ]
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             [ ] [*]         [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
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 [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]    Arches: Azhrarn, Prince of Demons
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              Riverside      [ ]-           Dun na Gaelbhan, daoine Sidhe
                             [ ]            Mordred
                             [ ]            Nevyn
                             [ ]-[ ]        The Raven

The above was the welcome message for the Mud when we gave up back in 1994. We did not have time to finish everything, especially since the driver (LPMud) failed us.

Now a couple of us have returned. Azhrarn is back, and Gaelbhan might be available too. And now we are going for the kill...

The Driver

We aim at a driver, that takes advantage of C++ to the fullest extend. And the lib language will be new; the current vision is that we can make it a proper subset of C++, allowing the lib to be either interpreted or compiled, and even a dynamic mix of the two ways.

The Team